Tuesday, December 21, 2010

21st December 2010 Afternoon

Really suffering...Although I was sick,i got to push myself to pay attention in the class..
   However,I have done all the assignments and presentation,feel so free..Finally i can relax...My emotion changed when Mr Wong was having the class with us,he gave us a assignment..I really mad at him..Really..I knew I shouldn't feel so on him...But it came naturally...I believe that everybody did feel so..Haha..I was not the only bad guy..
   Evening,we planned to have dinner outside again,yes,again...Anyway,wherever we take,it is better than cafe or canteen..

Monday, December 20, 2010

21st December 2010 Morning

Having headache...Can't concentrate in class...Oh gosh...Can't even do the works that given by the English teacher...She is a nice teacher,nicer than Mr. M....
   Woke up very early in this morning in order to complete the assignment which I have started last night.It is damn hard,I totally out of idea to do it.Can somebody help me?Help!
   A few moments ago,we saw the next class walking out their door,they were going home..feel jealous..We have to wait till next morning..Josephine said she was in imbalance emotion,yes,i agree,we all are.haha...No time to keep on my posting,I better stop it now and rush for my assignment..

20th December 2010 Night

Out for dinner after trapped in the boring and lousy classroom,felt free..
   When my colleague and i were having dinner,we were surrounded by juniors..They were there for dinner too..but the number of them really scared us..A big,big crowd of them...But they seemed to have a great party there..What's going on?Hmm...whatever it is,I have nothing to do with it...
   Dinner finished,back to the hostel,my room.Rushed to bathe in order to save more time for the assignment..I guess I gotta bed late again...God,regret on my laziness..Haih...

20th December 2010 Afternoon

Recalling of the dream that I dreamt.It's about the small worm that i hate,leech.In that dream,my body was full of leech.Uuuh...so disgusting..What did it mean?What was the dream trying to tell me?I was so scared in the dream.i stop to recall,or i suppose...I'm scared to keep on thinking about that horrible dream...
   After lunch,I took a nap in my room.It was so hot there.While i closed my eyes,i thought about the fruit that i asked Kam Loong to buy for me..A little bit upset..It's not because he couldn't make it,it's about i just knew that the fruit was a "colored fruit" and it's harm for us...Fine,this is the last in my life.
   It's 14:15,got to get back into the classroom again and waited for the next lesson...

Sunday, December 19, 2010

20th of December 2010 Morning

Feel bored cause i gotta get into the class again.I have been here for 4 weeks,it means i have done the same things for 4 weeks,wake up,attending classes,having lunch,classes again,having dinner and at the night,what else could i do...yes,sleeping...
   But it's a bit different last night.i was out with my colleagues.We went for dinner.I had a black pepper chicken chop and a glass of apple juice.The chicken chop wasn't so good,but fine,what else could i had...After dinner,we were in the K-Zone,somewhere we were there for singing K..I was so high,so...hmmm...i can say that i was crazy..i sang,i danced..
   We were back around 12...It's quite late,but i didn't bed cause i gotta finish up a stupid stuff that it is needed today till around 1...