Monday, December 20, 2010

20th December 2010 Afternoon

Recalling of the dream that I dreamt.It's about the small worm that i hate,leech.In that dream,my body was full of disgusting..What did it mean?What was the dream trying to tell me?I was so scared in the dream.i stop to recall,or i suppose...I'm scared to keep on thinking about that horrible dream...
   After lunch,I took a nap in my room.It was so hot there.While i closed my eyes,i thought about the fruit that i asked Kam Loong to buy for me..A little bit upset..It's not because he couldn't make it,it's about i just knew that the fruit was a "colored fruit" and it's harm for us...Fine,this is the last in my life.
   It's 14:15,got to get back into the classroom again and waited for the next lesson...

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